About Me

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This blog is about coping with the strains of chronic illness whilst bringing up two beautiful children; it's also about the stresses of bringing up two children on your own while suffering with a chronic ongoing health problem which is at times very severe.... you can look at it either way. It's about being a single mum; it's about raising awareness of Interstitial Cystitis; it's about helping me cope. Writing this blog is beginning to bring me back to who I really am, who I really always was, before the single motherhood took over full time, before the illness set in.... a writer. I've always written, from essays to stories to journalism. This is the first thing I've written in years. It's helping me regain my confidence. PLEASE DO LEAVE ME COMMENTS AFTER MY POSTS! I'd genuinely love to hear your views on my (sometimes controversial) opinions. Thank you for taking the time to read. It would be great if you could comment so I know that you've been here and what you think.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Interstitial Cystitis Awareness Month

Tell people about our illness. Make them laugh, make them think, make them stop in their tracks. Dye your hair blue or paint your nails; we feel blue all the time so lets get it out there.... Write something.... Put up a poster or two in your local area.... Connect with fellow ICers.

I definitely found last year that IC awareness month did cheer me up and I saw some positives in this horrible condition.

Don't give up, even if I sometimes feel like it, I don't.


  1. wondering how I could get a copy of this x

  2. the picture? is all around, there is a lot on Tali's website... IC Network has a lot of info on IC awareness month, though I haven't got v involved as yet... the words I wrote myself x


Over to you!

So please let me know what you think, or ask me anything you would like to know.

I always appreciate honest feedback.